Razor Clams by José Andrés Foods

Razor Clams by José Andrés Foods

Rich, Flavorful Clams - Featured in Food & Wine Magazine

Item: SE-150 |

All Natural



  • Whole clams from the Galician coastline
  • Hand harvested and cooked in seawater
  • Serve with lemon and fresh herbs
  • Presented by celebrated chef José Andrés
  • Made by the artisans at Los Peperetes
  • Size - 4.23 oz/120 gr tin

The most precious razor clams in the world: their flavor is incomparable. Razor clams propagate below the famed cliffs of the Cape of Finisterre. Below the rocks are extended sandbanks, pounded by the sea, which provide a very rich habitat for navajas. After harvest they are poached and packed by hand. These rich, meaty clams are delicious with a squeeze of lemon, served with a glass of Albariño white wine.

These clams must be harvested by hand, and the process is perilous. The divers collect each one by hand - one by one. The work is extremely dangerous. In five long hours of underwater diving, the divers can only get 10-20 kilos. Diving can only be done when the waters are calm.

Cabo de Finisterre is a thin spit of land that juts out into the turbulent Atlantic Ocean. It is the roughest part of the coast in Galicia. The name translates in English as 'the end of the world' and was the final goal of many of the pilgrims of Santiago de Compostela. It is an area composed entirely of cliffs known as the Costa de la Muerte - the Coast of Death. It is also a coastline buffeted with high winds making any fishing enterprise extremely dangerous.

Chef José Andrés has selected the cannery of Los Peperetes to produce this premium seafood for his personal collection. They prepare and pack each tin by hand in their tiny factory near the sea, ensuring that only the finest clams are presented for your enjoyment.