Artisan Seville Bitter Orange Marmalade

Artisan Seville Bitter Orange Marmalade

Served to the King & Queen of Spain - Big 12 Ounce Jar

Item: FP-17



  • Tart orange flavor
  • All natural
  • Prepared by hand
  • Size - 12.3 oz/350 gr

Our Elasun Seville Orange Marmalade graces the breakfast tables of the King and Queen of Spain at the Royal Palace of the Zarzuela, as well as the home of the Prince and Princess of Asturias.

Our friends Elena Esolano and Asunción Berroy, create this extraordinary handmade product in Barbastro, in the heart of Somotano, Huesca, the magnificent valley at the base of the central Pyrenees Mountains.

They prepare a fresh batch of exquisite Seville bitter orange marmalade by hand using only 100% natural ingredients. There are no preservatives, colorings or additives whatsoever; simply bitter oranges, a touch of sugar and lemon, simmered for twelve hours to produce a truly delicious product with abundant flavor, which they place in a large handsome 12.3 ounce glass jar. What could be better?

The Seville orange is a widely-known, extremely tart orange. It has a thick, dimpled skin and is prized for making marmalade, being higher in pectin than the sweet orange. It is also used in compotes and for orange-flavored liqueurs.

For years we have been enjoying fine marmalades from Scotland, England, and France. Nevertheless, is it not appropriate to get authentic orange marmalade from Spain where the Sevilla orange trees bear fruit?

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