Where To Buy Tinned and Cured Fish Online

Bon Appétit


May 21, 2020

If you think you hate canned tuna, you haven’t had the right canned tuna.
Mackenzie Chung Fegan

It’s no secret that we love tinned fish here at Bon Appétit. Writing an 800-word love poem to your favorite smoked trout, canned tuna, or luxury anchovies is a rite of passage for our editors, a ritual that concludes with Test Kitchen manager Gaby Melian bestowing a key to the secret conservas closet on the fortunate inductee. (I await my invitation, Gaby!)

If you're not yet among the converted, now, with trips to the fish counter limited, is the time to embrace these shelf-stable small bois. Not only are they delicious, but also they're packed with omega-3s and good-for-you vitamins and minerals. Plus, as far as seafood goes, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, and other little fellas are among the most sustainable options. If tinned fish really aren't your thing, we've thrown in a couple of our favorite smoked fish options too; they won't last forever, but they'll keep in your fridge longer than the fresh stuff.

La Tienda
Spain does tinned fish better than anyone (except maybe Portugal, I’m not here to start fights), and La Tienda has been importing Spanish delicacies to the U.S. since 1996.

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