Although this paleta, or shoulder, is smaller than a jamón and therefore cured for a shorter amount of time, many jamón connoisseurs would argue that a paleta made by Cinco Jotas is superior to a jamón made by any other producer. It comes from a purebred Ibérico pig, raised on bellotas – acorns – in the forested pastureland of western Spain. Its meat is a rich, dark red and its marbled golden fat – an amazingly high percentage of which is monounsaturated – melts on the tongue. The bone has been removed, making this paleta easier to carve paper thin for maximum enjoyment.
Since 1879, Cinco Jotas has been making jamón in Jabugo, a town in the province of Huelva whose name is synonymous with the very best jamón production. All of Cinco Jotas’ jamóns are certified 100% Ibérico de Bellota, meaning that they all come from heritage purebred Ibérico pigs who have been raised free-range and fed the traditional diet of acorns.