Squid Ink by Nortindal

Squid Ink by Nortindal

Create Dramatic, Flavorful Dishes

Item: SE-136 |

US Only |

All Natural



  • Adds black color and enhances flavor of paella dishes
  • Made from cuttlefish ink
  • Keeps for up to 4 years unopened
  • Size - 90 gr/3.17 oz

Add a full, rich taste and striking black color to paellas, other rice dishes, pastas and risottos. Squid ink brings out the flavor nuances of each ingredient while adding mild seafood hints, without tasting 'fishy.' It is the essential ingredient in Arroz Negro (black rice), the famous black paella of Valencia, and a favorite throughout the region for executing dramatic presentation and enhanced flavors of traditional Spanish dishes.

Squid ink is created from cuttlefish caught fresh from the Atlantic Ocean surrounding the beautiful Basque Country. Cuttlefish is a type of sepia, a relative of the squid, but has long been hailed as having more pristine ink that is better for cooking due to its rich, non-fishy flavor.

To create squid ink broth, mix a ratio of 1 tablespoon per quart/liter.

The ink is preserved with sea salt and remains good for up to 4 years in storage unopened. Once opened, use within 1-2 weeks. No artificial preservatives are added. You may freeze the remainder of the squid ink if need be.